I'm a clock with a dragon. I'm also a master. Therefore, I am a master dragon clock. Bow down before me. I'm also ZiggyZack99. Wade locked me. More on this never. Later. Whatever.
Age 34, Male
Why do we need this again?
Joined on 11/8/06
Posted by MasterDragonClock - April 4th, 2009
That's cute, I guess. I mean, mudkips are pretty... actually, I have a weird suspicion that they have an evil, ambitious project to take over the world, but that's just me. In other news, Barack Obama has recently issued a report to the press involving a launch of albino chimpanzees into outer space to destroy a secret North Korean satellite containing mudkips. Wait. Something here... oh. This can't be good. Can somebody go to WikiBooks and find a technical manual NOT written by a five-year-old to dismantle Asian space technology? Thanks, I appreciate it already, because I'm just prepared like that.
Posted by MasterDragonClock - April 4th, 2009
Apparently, people read this on occasion. I suppose that it is my duty to write about hippos and polar bears and cattle in this spot. Hippos have big teeth and are pink and live in mud. Polar bears are blue and fuzzy and happy and live underground. Cows are black and white and happy and nice and soft and live on a sunny farm in California, USA. I hope you're happy with my non-stereotypical descriptions of these quadrupeds. I think I'll go consume some delicious cake with white vanilla frosting and a chocolaty interior. Lord, I'm bored.
Posted by MasterDragonClock - March 24th, 2009
I'd love to write a long and intellectual post about polar bears, but I'm afraid I have more pressing matters on hold, so I'll just tell you about a few of my recent projects and what happened to my site that nobody cares about except for like two people.
PodTube - http://podtube.co.cc
A host shut it down again. I actually have a backup from like a day before it happened though, so almost nothing was lost. Will probably be back soon, probably.
AKSL - http://aksl.co.cc
AKSL is a free web host by me, and I think it's pretty good. Use it or die. It's mainly for small sites like FreakNews. Visit FreakNews, it's a good place.
WikiWad - http://wikiwad.zombiephil.com
WikiWad is a wiki about everything. Phil hosts it because it's fucking huge. Visit it, sign up, and write articles and read mine. They're written with a humorous lilt. As a surprise, it actually doesn't suck!
Ta-ta for now,
Zack Fulpington/ZiggyZack99 (locked)
P.S. I have Flash CS4 now. Beware.
P.S.S. Contact info:
E-mail: zack@podtube.co.cc
E-mail: funk@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: net@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: ziggyzack99@rocketmail.com
E-mail: ziggyzack99@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: ziggyzack99@cowsandroses.co.cc
E-mail: ziggyzack99@podtube.co.cc
E-mail: ziggyzack99@buddygrounds.co.cc
E-mail: iam@podtube.co.cc
E-mail: the.party.is@podtube.co.cc
E-mail: cow@cowsandroses.co.cc
E-mail: california@podtube.co.cc
E-mail: moo@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: webmaster@podtube.co.cc
E-mail: webmaster@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: webmaster@buddygrounds.co.cc
E-mail: webmaster@cowsandroses.co.cc
E-mail: poo@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: my.name.is.not@nick.ax.lt
E-mail: enjoy@podtube.co.cc
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